Collection: I Carry His Authority Collection

In Luke 10:19 Jesus said, "Behold I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you." The Word of God is a weapon, a sword! The Lord inspired this collection to remind His daughters that they are not hopeless or helpless. We have a voice of the shofar to make the enemy flee and to set the captives free. We carry His authority and power to perform miracles, signs and wonders in His name. It starts by praying for someone in the grocery store, prophesying over someone who needs a touch from God, and being a blessing wherever you are and wherever you go. You were designed to take territory. Territory is anywhere that God calls you to. Your home is territory, your city is territory, your nation is territory, and you have the power of Christ in you to shift atmospheres and hearts. It's time to walk in your authority!
I Carry His Authority Collection